Thursday, 14 August 2014

Days 20 and 21 - Viral something-or-other

Sorry for not updating the blog yesterday but have been struck down with a viral something or other and been stuck in bed/apartment.

Went to school feeling rough. Taught an english lesson on third person then a circle time session on talents. Break then taught a lesson on habits. Lunchtime was feeling very tired and grey but was cheered up by the arrival of rice pudding. Checked blood sugar and lowish but ok.

Started the afternoon with a drama based lesson on the Hare and the Tortoise. This went well and they enjoyed it. Then a masterclass on how to play Scrabble with several teachers which was a thoroughlly enjoyable experience. We planned to teach the children the next day. I spent the final half hour with the nursery and was put on the spot to sing nursery rhymes - not much call for that in year 4 so I struggled on for a while before they put me out of my misery and sang to me instead. Did you know that Row Row Row your Boat is international?

Walked home in pouring rain and lay on the bed for a while feeling sorry for myself. Went early to get dinner (chicken pitta bread with crisps and salad) then home and in bed by 7.30.Slept....

Woke up feeling like I had run a marathon despite sleeping for almost 12 hours straight. Got up but was dizzy so decided not to go to school. I couldn't find any phone numbers that I had been given so had to resort to email. Spent the morning being alternately freezing then boiling, drinking rehydration sachets and water and regular paracetemol. Dozed and read. 

This afternoon was much the same but about 3pm there was a knock on the door and it was Koruna, the head teacher from the school. she was armed with a a bottle of guava juice and had come to check I was ok. I was really touched. She stayed for abut 10 minutes and was lovely. After she had gone I finally worked out how to make a decent cup of tea using a coffee plunger and read/dozed a bit more. 

It started raining at about 6am (so I'm told!) and it is still raining now. It's that completely vertical,heavy rain that you just know will soak you the moment you step out of the door. However, I needed to eat (having run out of instant noodles and biscuits) so I bundled up and braved the rain to go to the nearest cafe - Cafe Swotha. There I had lasagne and hot honey and lemon then returned home to get ready for bed early. The electricity is on overnight tonight so I can run the fan.

Think it's just a viral thing plus being tired. Can't do much without feeling dizzy, including lying down, so am taking it easy. Probably not going to school tomorrow morning but I do have a journey to Sanga to see Harihar's school in the evening tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be ok for that as I really don't want to miss it and time is now running out. Off to eat more paracetemol, drink more water and get comfy in bed.


  1. Get well soon Jane, you are doing the right thing just resting. It could also be everything catching up with you. You have been on-the-go since you broke up. Love Mum xx

  2. Take good care of yourself Jane, you don't want to overdo things and make yourself more poorly.

  3. I hope you're feeling a bit better-don't over do it! I still look forward to reading your adventures each day, take care, Lorna xx
